Ceylon Golden Tips White Tea



A very smooth light tea, with a sweet gentle malt taste coupled with a honeydew melon sweetness.

2025 Update: After a visit to Sri Lanka and talking directly with the producer, I have decided to recategorise the tea from a black tea to a white tea, as the tea is essentially a silver needle white tea with an extra step of very light oxidisation to intensify the flavours. It doesn't quite fit into any tea category but as it is closest in taste to a white tea, I decided it is where it best fits.

Sourced direct from Forest Hill Tea, a Sri Lankan tea producer who have invested heavily in creating a sustainable tea industry in the local area in the foothills of Adam's Peak.

They were established with the explicit goal of maximising local income generation while promoting environmental stewardship. To that end they:

  • Employ local women in their tea factory and profit share with them
  • Pay premium prices to local small holder farmers for their tea leaves
  • Encourage the farmers to preserve and restore the local forest

Tasting Notes:
- Brilliant sweet fruit aroma
- Very gentle taste for a black tea with no bitterness or astringency
- Sweet gentle fruit and malt taste

Harvest: February 2025

Origin: Foothills of Adam's Peak, Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka
Sourced: Direct from the farmer
Percentage of price going back to the farmer: 30%+

Brewing Advice:
- Heat water to roughly 90°C/194°F
- Use 2 teaspoons per cup/small teapot
- Brew for 3-5 minutes

Packaging: Resealable ziplock bag

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